Rohit Yadav .ME – My Personal ADDA on the WEB.

Everything happening around ME…..Powered by Rohit Yadav Productions.

Talk with Rupal Mam after a long time.

After almost a year I had a talk with Rupal Mam. Had a talk about the college days and some close friends that we shared. We had a talk and thought to plan a get together in India.

Talking about movies, people we knew and the things going on in our personal lives, it was great to have the conversation. Discussed about blogging and the technologies we both worked on. 

I`m happy that I knew all the good people in my life and I`m glad to be in contact with all those whom I want to be in constant touch….. 🙂

Categorised as: Personal

One Comment

  1. rupal says:

    It was nice talking to you too. I feel proud when my students do something good in their life. I like that my two of the students like to write blog and I really like to read blogs. So keep updating your blog. God Bless you.

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